Code Challenges – Solving Problems


I have been approaching code challenges in different ways but I think I finally found my own approach so I am writing this post to share about my experience and hopefully this can be helpful for others: 

  1. When I am facing a code challenge, I try to break down the problem  in english first (let’s be honest, I use spanish if its too complicated) and if I am not familiar with the problem, I solve the problem without coding and sometimes I only use pen and paper (maybe because I think better when I have some visual guides) 
  2. After I completely understand the input and output of the problem, I start writing my pseudo code (which is basically just english statements of the steps ) and I avoid using method’s names or any programming words because that could create some bias on how to approach the problem.
  3. Then, I check for any exceptions that I should considerate and add them to my pseudo code. 
  4. Afterwards, based on my pseudo code,  I start developing my driver code and breaking down my pseudo code where I start using programming terminology
  5. Finally, I start developing my code using different tools to debug (ex.debugger, puts), try the code (ex. irb), and keep updating my driving code. 

 Ex.  Here is a method that was develop through breaking down a pseudocode:

# the missed destinations for current city
def missed_destinations(chosen_road)
   # An array of all the roads left behind
  roads_left_behind = roads_available.reject {|road| road == chosen_road }
  # collect the destination left behind with those roads { |road| road.the_city_opposite(@current_city)}


  • I learned how important is to also research about other types of algorithms or other approaches that could be use to solve the problem. That way, after implementing my code, I could also compare with other approaches and  learn through that as well.   

Currently learning: 

  • I am trying to learn how to manage the stress of time pressure when I have to solve algorithms or code challenges during my interview while pairing.  Sometimes, I panic and freeze but being honest about it and sharing my thoughts with my interviewers are helping a lot.   
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