2016: New beginning – work plan



This year was literally a new beginning.  I left my job at Thoughtworks where I worked for almost 2 years as a Software Engineer.  The process for my decision is a whole other conversation.  What I would like to share in this post is about how I am developing a plan to continue to growth, to learn and moving forward.  I hope this plan can also inspire others, specially if they are going through similar circumstances.


  1. Distributing the time 
  • I got the number of hours I have available during the week (ex. 40hr week)
  • I assigned a percentage for each category.  This percentage represents the percentage of time that I want to allocate to each category
  • I made the  calculations and got a number of hours per week per category
  • To make it visible, I marked my calendar with this information (which I plan every Sunday)
  • I measure my progress every Sunday in a time called “Retro time” using an excel doc where I keep track on my progress, lessons learn and weekly goals

         2. The Plan

  • Areas where I want to focus on:
    • Work – Passion – Add Value:  
      • January:
        • I took classes to get better in Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign
        • Learning about areas that I enjoyed while I was working at Thoughtworks: Design, UX, UI development, Product Design
      • February:
        • LearningLearning more in deep about Sass and Compass
        • Started learning about Wordpress and how customization of  themes works
        • Developing a simple wordpress site for a friend
        • Started learning PHP
        • Putting together the mix of skills I learned during Thoughtworks to update my resume
        • Host a co-working time, space with a group of women at my place
        • Brainstorm ideas about how I can add value to others
      • March:
        • Continue learning about PHP and designed/developed a custom responsive theme that can be upload to wordpress
        • Refresh my skills on Angular.js, responsive design
        • Learn how to design using Sketch
        • Design my personal blog website
        • Volunteered to provide consulting services to entrepreneurs
      • In summary this past months I have been:
        • Diving deeper on developing or mastering the skills that I enjoyed doing during my job
        • Learning skills that fill the gap between my job and what I want to do next
        • Exploring projects and skills that I was curious to learn about
        • Giving (helping, supporting and working on empowering other people, specially under represented women)
    • Job Search:  I added this item starting in middle of February
      • Updating resume
      • Searching about roles, companies, teams, etc
      • Applying to one company that I really would love to work for but its hard to get in
      • Connecting with friends and mentors
    • Wellness
      • Training for a half marathon
      • Getting super serious about weight training and hiring a personal training so I can learn a sustainable way to workout
      • Learning to eat better
    • Spirituality 
      • I have been meditating every day (literally) and I have seen how this makes a huge impact on my life
      • Reading a lot about how consciousness, being present, connecting with my inner self
      • Journaling
    • Relationships
      • This includes reconnecting with friends, mentors, mentees
      • Giving quality time to people I love


I hope this could be helpful for others and if there are any questions or doubts, please send me a message.



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