{DevBeat} conference – Node.js


I am attending to the DevBeat conference where they are offering classes (master classes) and talks that suppose to be fill with information that developers actually use in our daily work. 

Node.js is one of the classes that I am attending. They promoted this class as an opportunity to learn in an hour everything that is needed to get started and being able to get up and hack with Node after. 

But to make sure I at least know the basics, I made my own research so that I can take more advantage of the class.  Here are my notes:

  • Node.js is one of the hottest new technology that companies such as Ebay, Microsoft and Yahoo are using. 
  • Typically we have heard about Node.js as the something that build high scalable apps or that Node.js is Javascript for the server-side

What is Node.js?

Is a platform  server-side Javascript environment for easily, building fast, scalable network applications. It uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient,

Why is good?

It’s perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.  

How does Node.js run?

Node runs Js using the V8 engine developed by Google for use in their Chrome web browser. 

What do we need to make sure to learn through Node.js?

  1.  Learn how to create modular code that’s robust, expressive and clear. Understand when to use callbacks, event emitters and streams.
  2. Learn to use streams to easily manipulate data that would be impossible to fit in application memory.
  3. Learn to gain confidence in handling errors effectively to ensure runtime reliability.

Enough with theory, is there any graphic to give me an idea of Node.js?

Yes, here I found an image of the Node.js event loop cycle:


More information and materials to learn:








JavaScript resources

Node Modules


* The above list was copied from stackoverflow:


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