WellnessOatmeal + Beets evagabrielitaJuly 16, 2020 (Recipe in English and Spanish) Can you see how much I like oatmeal? It’s my to-go breakfast for… 0 Shares 0 0
WellnessGolden Milk (Leche Dorada) evagabrielitaJune 9, 2020 My favorite time to incorporate turmeric milk into my days is when I am feeling a bit down… 0 Shares 0 0
Life5 things that help me improve productivity & avoid procrastination evagabrielitaJune 2, 2020 Doesn’t matter how driven we are, sometimes we struggle with procrastination and I am guessing this transition to… 0 Shares 0 0
LifeLeche Adaptogena de Cúrcuma + Beneficios Saludables evagabrielitaMarch 16, 2020 LA RECETA (sirve 4 tzas) Ingredientes: 4 tazas de leche de almendras 1 cda de fresh cúrcuma rallada… 0 Shares 0 0
LifeIntroducción de Sólidos: Mi Experiencia y Recomendaciones evagabrielitaFebruary 26, 2020 Realmente tomé mucho cuidado cuando llegó el momento de introducir comidas sólidas a Liam. Como padres primerizos y… 0 Shares 0 0
LifeIntroducción de Sólidos: Tabla Planificadora evagabrielitaFebruary 26, 2020 Empezar a darle de comer a nuestros bebés es tan importante por diferentes factores y como madre primeriza… 0 Shares 0 0
Wellness(Caffeine-Free) Chai Latte with Adaptogens for Stress Relief evagabrielitaMay 20, 2019 The following recipe supports our hormone production and reduces stress. This latte is healing, caffeine-free chai latte packed… 0 Shares 0 0
CookingBanana Pancakes (baked and easy) evagabrielitaMay 14, 2019 Serving size: 2 people (approx 12 pancakes) Ingredients: 2 ripe bananas 2 eggs 2 tablespoons almond butter 1/4… 0 Shares 0 0
LifeMoist Vegan Brownies. Oil Free, Gluten Free, Refined Sugar Free, Nut free. evagabrielitaNovember 10, 2018 Ingredients: 2 cups of Gluten Free Oats (blended into flour) 3/4 cups cocoa powder 1.5 cups of Coconut… 0 Shares 0 0
LifeThis is love not fear evagabrielitaMarch 11, 2016 Just sit. Notice where you feel hard, and sit with that. In the middle of that hardness, you’ll… 0 Shares 0 0